Any real benefits of using VS2019?

So i recently got the latest monogame version and decided to check it out with finally moving over to VS2019 instead of VS2017

Which resulted in a bit of dissapointment development-wise, i.e:

IDE is partly very slow
Debugging results in noticeable(!) lower fps

In one of my projects I use an external C++ DLL which randomly bugged out in VS2017 when debugging - I was hoping that issue was fixed in VS2019. Well it wasn’t. It still raises some random EngineExecutionError (totally random, most of the runs it works, here and there it fails, debug again it works) - so still an issue in VS2019 (only when debugging)

One benefit of VS2019 may be the ability to use .net Core … which should be faster … unfortunately, the same DLL wont load at all with .net core target (ExecutionError).

I am actually tempted to go back to VS2017 for better debugging & IDE performance

How’s about you, you happy with VS2019, do you use .net core as target?

VS 2019 has issues

There are known problems with the IDE and intellisense , but the code it produces and the debugging support is solid as a rock.

From what you reported above, you should be looking at the c++ dll not VS 2019

Sounds to me that it is not thread safe

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I use VS2019 for game dev and also at work on a different machine.
I noticed the performance on my home PC (with 8Mb RAM) was much worse than the work PC (16Mb).
In particular opening a solution was very slow.

I added 16Mb to the home PC (so now with 24Mb) and the performance issues went away.
I still get other issues like those mentioned above (turn off the AI assisted intellisense) but I definitely would not go back to 2017.

The dll just fills a supplied float array - and it only crashes under debugging. Anyway - just in case some stumbles in here for that issue - the Win Event Log actually showed some error with no real information, except being raised with EventName PerfWatsonVS12Data. So I just disabled PerfWatson (it’s the VS Experience Tracker whatever) in Menu → Help → Send Feedback → Settings → select “no”

Had to do this for all other installed VS as well (not sure if relevant) … for now the error stopped. Hopefully it’s not coming back again.

@jonathanmcc 64GB of RAM … guess bottleneck is the HDD for now

Another issue I dislike (general VS problem) you cannot use concurrent source control plugins without switching them for each project before loading every time … pretty stupid if you have client projects as well, but yea …

so anyone actually building .core apps? (I may retry .core with the fixed dll issue)

imho Visual Studio quality has gone downhill since they started publishing updates weekly. Both VS2017 and 19.

Updating VS today is like crossing a minefield. If you land in a problematic version you’re stuck until a fix is published because the installer doesn’t let you roll back to a previous version. This is specially annoying if you use old tools (like the find in files, where there’s a new version and old version) because it seems nobody at MS uses the old tools, and they break often with obvious bugs that can be detected just using those tools only once.

What I’m doing right now is downloading and storing (not installing) each version of VS2019. From time to time (when the HDD is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.) I install the latest version, and go rolling back until I find a version which works for me, then after some days without problems I delete the previous versions. It’s the only way I’ve found to live with VS2019 nowadays.