So the DigitalRune team have open sourced all their great endeavours and samples to work with MonoGame (Physics, Terrains and Rigs) The YouTube videos makes this look trolley compelling. The Source is on GitHub, with Build instructions:
DigitalRune on GitHub
But I am really struggling to get the engine built, as
a) I am not a GitHub master 'update all git submodules recursively…"
b) Protobuild.exe missing from Source/MonoGame directory
c) The Build-Content-Release fails to find directory, MGCB.exe directory and file missing etc
etc etc
So I have failed to get DigitalBuild up and running with MonoGame, which is a major disappointment, as it looked so awesome. Like a lot of MonoGame stuff, incredible technology and yet so near and yet so far, for the lack of documentation and easy installation tools
ATB Jules