APK contains wrong libs

when I select armeabi v7 + x86 as my release architectures and then generate the APK the resulting file contains wrong dlls:
lib/ armeabi-v7a/ libmonodroid.so libmonosgen-2.0.so libopenal32.so x86/ libmonodroid.so libmonosgen-2.0.so libopenal32.so x86_64/ libopenal32.so

When a user with x64 processor runs the game it fails to initialize the libraries and crashes. In my opinion there should be no x86_64/ folder there at all as I did not choose the x64 architecture. The app would then be loaded from the x86/ folder and run just fine in 32-bit mode.

What can I do other than manually fiddle with the apk file to fix this?