Are there any more Windows 8 games made with MonoGame?

Also… not a game per-say, but… “Kodu” by Microsoft Studios

@Tom KonajuGames got in touch about TY the Tasmanian Tiger, so it’s on the list. Also added Kodu. We’ve got 25 games on the list now.

I made my game with MonoGame too: Information about the other versions for WP8 and iOS can be found here htttp://

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Our game Better Hero is made with Monogame and it is published also to Windows 8

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my Windows 8 games Candy Fun and Jewel³ were also created with MonoGame:

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Updated the list. There are now 30 games.

I’ve also added a recurring job to update apps (using which is worth checking out) so the apps and list order will be updated regularly so you can see where you are in the chart.


could you add Bionick.S to the list? It was made with MonoGame, too


Ofcourse our awesome game Cat’s Catch wouldn’t be here without Monogame

@MarkoBL, @WoodenChristiaan added both your games.

32 games on the list now.

Our game Ragdoll Run is originally made with XNA for the WP and ported to Win 8 with Monogame

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My game ‘Cuber 8’ was ported from XNA (originally on Windows Phone) using MonoGame.

It’s just a fairly simple puzzle cube (rubik’s) simulation, but has many new and unique variations not found on any other platform. : ) It also uses the Environment Map Effect in a few cases – good job by the MongoGame team porting that from XNA!


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Thanks for the new games. We’re at 36 now on the list.

BlockWorld is one more the more complex games made with monogame.

It has been in the top 20 in free and paid games for the last year or so.

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Hi NogginBox.
Here’s another one from us.

‘Pinball League: Hardhat Zone’

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I Transferred my XNA Game Tank Commander 3D over to the Windows Store. Here is the Store Link. With in Game credits to the awesome MonoGame Team.

Tank Commander 3D

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I have one created using MonoGame. Check out Space Shooter X

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All the new suggestions have been added. There are 40 games on the list now. Looking like a good list.

Please could include my games Practise Music (Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 10)
and Math Race (Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8) ?
[Practise Music][1]
[Math Race][2]