So, I got myself a steam deck for Xmas, and started to play about with ideas in MonoGame with it. I have just started to port some old stuff over and run it on the deck, every thing seems to work like a charm but audio…
I have a DesktopGL build, while I try to play a Song with MediaPlayer.Play(song); or a SoundEffectInstance with sfx.Play(); there is no sound coming from my steak deck, nothing. Run it on my desktop (Windows) and audio is fine.
What am/could I be doing that is not letting the audio be heard on the deck, there is no crash, all runs as if the audio is playing MediaPlayer.State == MediaState.Playing; returns true…
Can anyone put me right and point out my silly mistake?
Thanks in advance 
Not sure what is happening in your case, but FWIW our games run (and play audio) on Deck without issue. DesktopGL builds.
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Any chance you’ve connected a PS4/5 controller via USB cable or some such? If so, they often have issues with their audio device (controller headphone jack) overriding the system’s default device (happens in Windows too). Only thing that comes to mind that might cause that.
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Check Steam Streaming is not in use, and set the default sound as the system speakers and disable steam streaming, but this works for you, not your users, so you need to programmatically give a list and let the user specify which means, fun code time.
But then again SteamOS or Modded to run Windows? I was writing from a Windows on SteamDeck perspective.
No, only think pluged into the deck is the cabke used to deploy the app…
Im publishing a linux64 then using stem deck sdk app to push it to the deck as i did with a Unity project without issue.
So, SteamOS. anyway to poll the sound outputs?
I tried finding an option but not much on the topic.
No idea. Ill post here if I sort it out.
Would anyone here mind testing some code on their Steam Deck.
Ill give you acces to a test repo if you do.
Thanks in advance.
After I ported my game to Linux via a DesktopGL build, I got a report of no sound on Steam Deck. Unfortunately, I don’t own a Steam Deck so I can’t troubleshoot, and no other users chimed in about the issue, but it sounds like it might be the same thing you’re experiencing.
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