build MonoGame Android Project on Linux command line


I’m trying to build my MonoGame Android Project on Linux using the commandline.
The Project has been created on a windows machine with Visual Studio and with some modifications to the .csproj file i was able to compile and package the .apk using xbuild.

xbuild however is telling me that it is deprecated and that I should be using msbuild instead.

But that doesn’t work:

error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework “MonoAndroid,Version=1.0” were not found.

I can understand that it doesn’t find “MonoAndroid,Version=1.0”.
What I don’t understand is, why it want to use this reference. Because that isn’t what my .csproj file says.

I post my .csproj file below. Can somebody tell me how to modify it, so that it works with msbuild?