Create solutions. mono Protobuild.exe --generate linux
Open MonoGame/MonoGame.Framework.Linux.sln in Monodevelop and build it.
Build MonoDevelop Plugin
Open MonoGame/IDE/MonoDevelop/MonoDevelop.MonoGame.Addin.sln in Monodevelop.
Remove the Mono.Addins reference.
Add ./.local/share/flatpak/app/com.xamarin.MonoDevelop/x86_64/master/<bunchofnumbers>/files/lib/monodevelop/bin/Mono.Addins.dll as a reference.
Build it.
Now I’ve got a bunch of compiled stuff but I’m unsure how to proceed from here. I would expect to install the monodevelop plugin then use that to create a project from a template and replace any bad references with references to the compiled dlls. But there doesn’t seem to be an .mpack file anywhere, so I can’t install the plugin. Peeking at MonoGame/Installers/ seems to suggest that there ought to be one.
Running it from the MonoGame/Installers folder results in a file which seems to install the framework just fine. (I’ve got a MonoGameSDK symlink in /opt and monogame-pipeline-tool seems to work.)
However using non-flatpak monodevelop (installed from here) I don’t seem able to build the monodevelop addin. I seem unable to reference MonoDevelop.Projects.MSBuild (all I have is Mono.Addins.MSBuild which isn’t good enough).
I also tried using nant (which apparently is available through some apt repository) but it seems to fail when building MonoGame.Framework.Windows.sln because it misses an assembly reference to System.Windows.Media. And just calling it in IDE/MonoDevelop doesn’t result in an mpack file either.
What about the master branch? I tried to build that one using nant but it borks at the build_web part with an (to me) uninformative error:
[exec] Starting resolution of packages for Web...
[exec] Resolving: https-git://
[exec] Git repository present at ThirdParty/Kickstart/.git; leaving as source version.
[exec] Git submodule / repository already present at ThirdParty/Kickstart
[exec] Resolving: https-git://
[exec] Git repository present at ThirdParty/Dependencies/.git; leaving as source version.
[exec] Git submodule / repository already present at ThirdParty/Dependencies
[exec] Package resolution complete.
[exec] Installing
[exec] HTTP GET
[exec] Unable to resolve binary package for version "master" and platform "Linux", falling back to source version
[exec] Creating and emptying /home/wieke/.config/.protobuild-tools/9a68400a153769e8def631d96873f024de794a55
[exec] Installing at version master
[exec] The specified global tool package is not available for this platform.
Using nant with the develop branch borks on build_windows with a lot of missing reference errors (stuff like Eto.Forms, Eto.Wpf, PresentationCore and PresentationFramework) and I’m unsure where to get these references.
(I tried building MonoDevelop but that’s not all that straightforward either and I seem unable to find a ubuntu package for MonoDevelop 6.)
I’m afraid that doesn’t seem to help. Got the newer version, replaced the Protobuild.exe in the repository with it and ran nant again on the develop and master branches. (I’d mess around with it some more but I haven’t got the time this evening.)