I am a c# app game developer and find monogame very difficult. Get confused with the community posts getting into topics like TexturePacker, TextureAtlases, SpriteSheets, etc. I understand some about basic mgcb content pipeline tool with png and xnb files. tps, txt, cs and tmx files are way too distorted for a reasonable brain like mine to comprehend. Please help with more specific types of developers. There are too many game engines to comprehend and the history about those engines. The “Make it simple, Stupid” rule definitely applies to game development.
Hi Walter, please take a look at my post called my path through MonoGame, I am writing precisely such guides, hope it helps.
Please refine your question to be more specific.
It’s hard to help with extremely general or vague questions.
Are you asking for help to.
Understanding the general principles of what spritesheets are ?
How to use them ?
How to load them ?
How to create them ?
How to save them ?
How to edit them ?
How to use a specific third party tool to do any all of the above ?
Most of the questions depend on you first understanding what they are.
Im not advocating the use of the below but it is a pretty simple explanation of spritesheets.
This is the real reason they are used texture switching when you are drawing a lot of stuff is taxing on the gpu…
C# visualstudio use tutorials needed.
This is not the visual studio forum and what exactly is expected ?.
current docs are too generic. ?
Maybe but what tutorial ? A spritesheet itself is a extremely simple thing … a texture with a list of source rectangles. Which is generic to all games as seen in the above videos.
You will find that if you can make you’re question specific enough. The answer will become straight forward or you can just directly google the answer.
My current struggle is using the multiload method of the spritesheetloader class. Cant figure out the imageresourceformat argument property. Normally with visual studio microsoft docs every class is a doc with all members explained. That doesn’t seem to apply to these monogame tools i’ve referred to?
MonoGame and Visual Studio are what a Ferrari is to a Nissan Micra, worlds apart. And built by wholly different teams let alone companies.
There are a plethora of books which I think you can find in my link that I shared already.
I’m not yet familiar with those yet but spritesheets can be easily done, not sure about texture atlases yet.
As already requested in your other thread, share more so people can grasp your plight better.
@willmotil go easy, please.
These things are not a part of MonoGame and you’re probably better off asking for help with community of the third party library that you’re using. Is it MonoGame.Extended perhaps? That is not a library by the MonoGame Team, but we do have a category for the library on the forum, so if it is MG.E you should put your post in the category to get the right people to see it.