Can I send two instance streams containing different data for the same instances to the GPU?

Can I send two instance streams containing different data for the same instances to the GPU?

What I mean by that is, will this work the way I’m hoping it will?

                new VertexBufferBinding(vertexBuffer, 0, 0),
                new VertexBufferBinding(staticInstanceBuffer, 0, 1),
                new VertexBufferBinding(dynamicInstanceBuffer, 0, 1)

Why I want to do this: my tree instances share a large chunk of relatively stagnant data (things like position and rotation) with a small amount of data that needs to be updated every frame (consumption level, which affects the tree’s appearance).

Calling SetData on every tree every frame isn’t performant, but is it possible to just send the consumption level buffer and avoid setting the rest?

Yeah, I was using it in Mg before I’ve switched to own framework. Just prepare array for bindings, params allocates.