Can't Get Latest Develop Build To Compile For Android on OSX


Just downloaded the latest source from develop and I can’t get the Android framework to compile. I’m on OS X using the latest version of Xamarin.

The error I’m getting is…

/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/Android/Xamarin.Android.Common.targets: Error: Error executing task CreateNativeLibraryArchive: …/ThirdParty/Dependencies/openal-soft/libs/armeabi-v7a/ does not exist (MonoGame.Framework.Android)

…very grateful if anyone can shed any light on this. Really want to test out the latest Android Pause/Resume fixes.


Check your submodules are up to date. ThirdParty/Dependencies is a submodule and this file was recently added to it.

Hi There,

Thanks for that. I now have it compiling. I was just downloading the zip rather than using git but I couldn’t get it to update the submodules that way. For the uninitiated (like myself) the commands are:

git clone (to download the monogame repository)
git submodule update --init --recursive (from within MonoGame directory to update submodules)

Now after a length and very frustrating session of Xamarin/Android SDK updates and various things breaking I appear to have it all compiling only when I run my game (which was working fine with the old framework) I now get the following runtime error. Is there any easy fix for this by any chance? I have tried various Android target SDK levels (up to 4.0.3) for the AudioManager::GetProperty() thing but no joy.



[Mono] DllImport attempting to load: ‘openal32.dll’.
[Mono] DllImport error loading library ‘./libopenal32.dll’: ‘Cannot load library: load_library[1093]: Library ‘/data/data/GameTemplate.GameTemplate/lib/./libopenal32.dll’ not found’.
[Mono] DllImport error loading library ‘./’: ‘Cannot load library: load_library[1093]: Library ‘/data/data/GameTemplate.GameTemplate/lib/./’ not found’.
[Mono] DllImport error loading library ‘libopenal32.dll’: ‘Cannot load library: load_library[1093]: Library ‘/data/data/GameTemplate.GameTemplate/lib/libopenal32.dll’ not found’.
[Mono] DllImport error loading library ‘’: ‘Cannot load library: load_library[1093]: Library ‘/data/data/GameTemplate.GameTemplate/lib/’ not found’.
[Mono] DllImport error loading library ‘openal32.dll’: ‘Cannot load library: load_library[1093]: Library ‘/data/data/GameTemplate.GameTemplate/lib/openal32.dll’ not found’.
[Mono] DllImport error loading library ‘./libopenal32’: ‘Cannot load library: load_library[1093]: Library ‘/data/data/GameTemplate.GameTemplate/lib/./libopenal32’ not found’.
[Mono] DllImport loaded library ‘./’.
[Mono] DllImport searching in: ‘openal32.dll’ (’./’).
[Mono] Searching for ‘alcOpenDevice’.
[] Missing method Android.Media.AudioManager::GetProperty(string) in assembly Mono.Android.dll, referenced in assembly MonoGame.Framework.dll


OK - solved the AudioManager.GetProperty() thing, target SDK level needs to be 17 or above.

Still don’t know about .libopenal32.dll but it’s not causing a crash and I haven’t got round to testing audio yet - any input on that would still be appreciated though.

The very VERY good news is this latest MonoGame framework seems to have pause/resume working perfectly (in the GenyMotion emulator at least) whereas before this was just crashing. No blank images and no jiggery-pokery required to recreate RenderTarget2Ds etc! Excellent - this was the one thing preventing me getting a commercial release out with MonoGame. Hopefully I’ll test this on some devices next week and it’ll work just as well there so a big THANK YOU from me for everyone involved!
