Can't import SpriteFont in Pipeline?

This is the same project, the same spritefont file, works in Windows but not in OS X, what am I doing wrong?



Both running Pipeline version

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I am having the same problem after updating to Xamarin studio 6. The update removed my monogame addin which I reinstalled - version

My font that compiled fine on what I had before (don’t remember the version) now no longer compiles. Google searches aren’t really throwing fruit into my basket.

Did you have any luck correcting this?

I seem to be having the same issue.

IIRC, I gave up on trying to get stuff compiling properly in Xamarin and instead reverse engineered the .app protocol so that I could deploy to OSX directly from Windows without having to actually recompile my project on a Mac.

I have the same issue….
Pipeline fails to generate spritefont.