Changing of the Guard

There’s no way of saying it, other than, it is with much sadness that I must step away from the MonoGame project co-ordinator role. I’ve been a part of it since about 2010 and being part of this project has been one of the greatest experiences of my 20+ year IT career. Being part of…

Originally published at:

I just happened to look at my first pull request for MonoGame last night…

… of course it was rejected, but rejected in a constructive and friendly way. This attitude plus the excellent work that Dom, Dean Ellis, Kenneth Pouncey, and numerous other contributors had done to that point are what attracted me to the MonoGame project.

If it wasn’t for Dom, Dean, and Kenneth then it is likely MonoGame would not exist today.

Thanks for the kind words Tom. It has been a pleasure working with you the last few years. And those few days at //Build when I finally got to meet and hang out with you, were also highlights! Come visit the UK one day.

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ah …
your like the primary face of the developers on this board
that is a little concerning
why are you leaving the project
and who will fill your shoes

@willmotil - Read the news post… it explains everything.

ah i c i didn’t read it i just went off on a tangent

Sad to see you go.
Thanks for all your help in getting so many of us started in MonoGame development
All the best for the Future.


Hi Dominique,

thanks a lot for your time, your work and your initial idea.

The happiness to make a living again (after 7 years hiatus) from games would not be possible without MonoGame and you. What’s better, I haven’t had a boss for a year and I can work in pajamas :). That peace of mind can’t be paid with money :slight_smile:

All the best!!

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Thanks for all your hard work Dominique! It always brightens my day when I get a retweet from @MonogameTeam of whatever crap I’m working on - and knowing it’s you behind the scenes helping us indies out.