Compressing assets into single package


is there any way to compress assets into some kind of single .package file that will be used only during runtime, so the files will be hidden from the user? I use some .png and .json files instead of .xnb, because of Spine, and I would want to restrict users from modifying/retrieving those files. I know it’s not possible in 100%, but I would want to make it more difficult for average user to tamper with game files.

You can put them into the executable as Embedded Ressource and load them via Stream.

This will not make it impossible to retrieve the files by user, but in that case you’d need to invent your own file format and save your media as that

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Hi @veme, Welcome to the Community!

Have a look at this:
Create ZIP Archive in C# | C# ZIP Single or Multiple Files | ZIP Library (

Happy Coding!

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