
Hello, I would love to join you to develop Monogame.Extended ! And more specifically, i would like to contribute to the Entity Component System (which i saw its currently experimental).
So, what should I know before i start contributing ? :slight_smile:


Hey @Maybeking

Contributions are always welcome :slight_smile: It really depends on what you’d like to do.

If it’s a small bug fix or minor non-breaking change then simply submit a pull request on github and you’re good to go.

If it’s a large change that breaks the existing API or involves redesigning the architecture then it’s best to raise an issue on github to discuss it first. The main thing we’d like to discuss is why you’d like to make those changes (pros / cons) and how it will make things better (using examples of how it’d make it easier to make games).

The other thing that makes life a lot easier for me is small pull requests. I’d much rather have to deal with a bunch of smaller pull requests over one massive one. So figuring out a way to break the work up into smaller tasks is a good idea.

In fact, i just want to speed up the developpement :stuck_out_tongue: Just let me know what did you planned for this section or what is missing in the ecs and i will work on it. Im not gonna revolutionize the whole project :smiley: Im just here to help a bit :wink:

The ECS definitely has some pain points that could do with some improvements.

Unfortunately, I haven’t taken the time to make a to-do list of exactly what needs to be done.

The approach I’ve found to be most effective is to try and use it by making a game and get a feel for what needs improvement. In my experience, trying to build the library in a vacuum doesn’t work too well. It’s an easy mistake to make though.