I’m trying to use the content processor to build a .xnb spritefont, however I got two issues. One of them is not loading the file (Could not load…) and the other one simply crashes monodevelop. I’ve noticed other topics like this, but could not find any applicable answers, or no answers at all in some cases.
First issue: Error: System.Exception: Could not load /home/…long path…/Segoe UI Regular
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Processors.FontDescriptionProcessor.Process
That’s when I try to load with the font’s name, it looks like monogame search for it by the name “/Segoe UI Regular”, but everything is fine, the .ttf and .spritefont are in place, however, it does not load it by name. Then I try to change the name to match the file and monodevelop crashes when I build, everytime.
From what I know you can’t compile spritefonts from linux, for now. You must compile spritefonts from Windows and then link compiled fonts as your content. I just keep arial, times new roman and few others compiled in all sizes.
I just keep arial, times new roman and few others compiled in all sizes.
Any chance you could share the .xnb files with us? I have arial in size 18 font I’ve been using because I don’t want to bother with the setup to compile. I would love the other font sizes though.