Differing return values from adapter SupportedDisplayModes

In porting from XNA 4.0 to MonoGame 3.2 I’m seeing a different return value from the call to GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.SupportedDisplayModes on the same machine. From the XNA build I see 26 available modes (see screenshot) while the MonoGame build returns only a single default display mode.

I need to detect the same set of displayModes from the MonGame build. Any suggestions?

The original XNA behavior

The MonoGame behavior

These projects are being run on the same windows laptop with an Intel HD Graphics 4000 (I’ve not yet been able to test on a different machine, but the XNA build has been tested on many different machines and cards).

Are you using directx or opengl?

Grab a newer version of monogame, I’ve implemented it for DirectX since 3.2

Builds on the buildbot:
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Artifacts (Next to refs/…evelop, half way down the page)

Or grab the latest code from git.

Hope that helps.

Thank you for the reply. The build is DirectX and the teamcity install you pointed me to has resolved the issue. Interestingly, the MonoGame call to GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.SupportedDisplayModes now returns 50 supported display modes over the XNA return of 26. However, it may be due to the outdated DirectX version of XNA. At any rate, I’ll happily take the 50 modes over the single mode was returning. Thanks again for you help. Best