Does using dotNET 8 (or even 6 or 5) stops me from publishing to consoles and mobile?

If I’m not mistaken, nothing is preventing one from using MonoGame 3.8 targeting dotnet 8 but I’m confused if the dotnet version will stop me from releasing my games on other platforms other than desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux) such as consoles (Switch, Playstation, Xbob) and mobile (Android and iOS).

I’d like to use the latest dotnet but only if this will not be an impedance to port my games. So, can I use whatever dotnet version I want or is it better to stick to a specific version such as dotnet 4, 5, or 6?

I just realized we want to move away from this forum so I posted this topic on Github Discussions: Does using dotNET 8 (or even 6 or 5) stops me from publishing to consoles and mobile? · MonoGame/MonoGame · Discussion #8265 · GitHub

Thomas Altenburger (mrhelmut) answered this question on Github Discussions, so I’m marking this as solved.