drawing models

My models are being drawn funny…

like they are being drawn inside out… parts that should be on the back-side are drawn in front…

Like the ground tiles are drawn on top of the walls, even though their proportions and rotations look correct…

-And models that should be far away are drawn small, but on top of closer models…

Any ideas as to what I’m staring at here?

I have experienced this with XNA, was to-do with the model normals being reversed, check your normals are on the outside faces of your model before exporting,

I already checked for that.

But you inspired me to change some colors around, and I can now get a better view of my scene…

My real problem seems to be that models are drawn correctly, but they over-lap eachother badly…

distant models will be drawn last, putting far-off objects in front of close objects…

-Like its drawing some things in reverse order…?

Sounds like your depth buffer states are not being set correctly. Tom explains how to do it in this thread: