Error: "The MGFX effect is the wrong profile for this platform!"

I wanted to use a GLSL shader in my game, so I’ve written the shader in an .fx file and compiled it without any problems with the 2MGFX tool.
Unfortunalety when I try to load the shader it sais “The MGFX effect is the wrong profile for this platform!”, I don’t know why, the platform which I have selectes is Windows 8, and I’ve choosen the Windows-Project-Type because it’s using DirectX then.

Can anyone give me some tips? I was trying to fix that problem for 4 hours without any result.

Did you use /Profile:DirectX_11 on the 2mgfx command line?

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Thank you!
For me it wasn’t /Profile:DirectX_11, it was /DX11

Now it’s working fine.