Facebook Gameroom

Any solution to target monogame project for facebook arcade gameroom platform?

I think it’s mainly for HTML5/Flash/Unity3D for Web. MonoGame has made very little progress in those areas. I think the Bastion game developers have something, but I’m not sure if that’s open sourced.

Bastion used Native Chrome (NaCL) and Mono’s support for NaCL with a heavily customized version of MonoGame to get their game running in a browser. There has been some work in the past by interested parties to get a JSIL version of MonoGame, but it was never completed.

i heard they allow native program to run other thn webgl or html5

Rather than “I heard”, go to the source.

The Gameroom client supports many different formats:

  • HTML5 or Flash content that is hosted on your game server
  • Standalone Windows .exe that is zipped and hosted on Facebook’s hosting (which we term as Gameroom native)
  • Unity WebGL that is zipped and hosted on Facebook’s hosting.

Can a .NET executable be used as a stand-alone Windows .exe for Facebook Gameroom? That is the only thing not clear from the FAQ. Further down the FAQ is this question about the .NET Framework.

No, the Gameroom installation process does not install any .NET framework, although the client targets the .NET 4.0 Client Profile, which is part of the automatic updates for Windows 7.

Wat if the .net framework dll is locate under same zip with .exe executable file? so it will no ned the installation process when we executable the file, am i right?

The .NET Framework is not usually just as simple as a DLL, and you are most likely not permitted to redistribute the .NET Framework DLLs in that way. You could try just assuming the .NET Framework that you need is installed, but that seems dangerous.

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