Failing to draw multiple instances

Hi, I’m trying to draw multiple instances of the class Enemy.cs

I’m able to add 3 enemies to the Enemies list but I can’t draw them.?



public class Game1: Game {

List<Enemy> Enemies = new List<Enemy>();

Enemy en = new Enemy();

Vector2 enemyPosition = (0, 200);

protected override void Initialize(){


en.Initialize(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Enemies/greenballoon"), new Rectangle(0,0,60,170)); //I have to initialize it with something at first or else it'll crash with a null exception.


protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime){

foreach (Enemy enemy in Enemies){
public void battle()
  if (Enemies.Count < 3)
                Enemy enemy = new Enemy();

                enemy.Initialize(texture, new Rectangle((int)enemyPosition.X,(int)enemyPosition.Y,60,170));


                enemyPosition.X += 20;


 protected override Draw(GameTime gameTime){
foreach (Enemy enemy in Enemies)


    class Enemy
    public Texture2D Texture;
    public Rectangle Box;
    public void Initialize(Texture2D enemyTexture, Rectangle enemyBox)
        Texture = enemyTexture;
        Box = enemyBox;
    public void update(GameTime gameTime)
    public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
        spriteBatch.Draw(Texture, Box, Color.White);

I checked to see if there are 3 enemies in Enemies and there are. They exist, I just can’t see them. I can only see one.(Probably the one initialized in Initialize? and not battle())

So yeah. Here’s the screenshot of the problem in the game

It says
foreach (Enemies enemy in Enemies){

Does it not?? I don’t understand why it’s only drawing one when there’s clearly 3.

Thanks for reading and I’m hoping to hear from you. Also if you have any advice on how I can keep better organized or more professional ways to set up this kind of code please let me know, thanks.

Looks to me as though your game draw is calling each enemy update not draw. Neither can I see a spritebatch begin and end in the code you provide.

Looks to me as though your game draw is calling each enemy update not draw.

What do you mean?

foreach (Enemy enemy in Enemies)

Is that not drawing for each enemy in Enemies?

Oh yes I forgot to include that, but yes it’s already in between a spriteBatch.Begin() and spriteBatch.End() I just forgot to show it on this topic. Which really isn’t the issue I’m trying to focus on though

is the code I can see, so Draw is calling each enemy update, although en should be enemy?

Assuming you do call spritebacth begin and end and the draw call, then your issue seems to be using en rather than enemy in the iteration of enemies.