Hey guys I’m new, and a noob,
First of all you guys are all Awesome!
So to the point, Got windows 8 running, installed I have VS 2013 express and VS 2015 community, tried installing the latest Monogames installer for Windows, try to open the Template Windows Phone 8 Project, and I get this annoying error (See picture).
I’ve tried searching where I can, seems others have had the same problem, but seems to be an error of the past if I understand correctly, thought maybe I need to fork something from github, but that process I don’t fully get too either.
#NoobStrugglesAreReal I mean I downloaded a .Zip from what I thought was a fix, but then what follows is beyond me…
This is my cry for a little help plz…
Thanks in advance for all the help and love.
I’ll try do some further research, I’m sure it’s got to be something simple. I’ve coded a game already, and just wanted to know how to prepare it for different platforms and realise it, as I’m a noob at cross platforming.
Anyway, I’ll post my findings if I work out it.
Okay, so I believe I’m a step closer.
Followed this helpful tutorial which helped me to fork from GutHub the latest Monogame fixes, clone etc and build it, but saddly I still get some kind of error, too tired to try go any further tonight. So will pick up tomorrow to try fix this annoying thing!