Farseer, Physics2D

Greetings! I ask you to give hints regarding my questions. Please.
I am implementing a similar Scene graph system as in Unity (GameObject → Components). There are a few questions regarding Farseer (Box2D).
There is a BoxCollider component, which is a shell for a static Farseer body with a square shape.
There is a Rigidbody component, which is a shell for a dynamic Farseer body without a figure.

BoxCollider has a listener that waits for Rigidbody to be added to the parent GameObject. When an event occurs, the BoxCollider component removes its static body from the World and attaches its figure to the Rigidbody.

  1. Is it normal practice to add/remove shapes to a body that is already in simulation?
  2. Do I need to reset or recalculate the physical properties of the body? I noticed that inertia contains incomprehensible meanings.
  3. I had an idea not to attach a shape to a Rigidbody, but to use a WeldJoint. But WeldJoint was constantly moving somewhere by itself. Which is better: attach a shape or use Joint?
  4. I used the library from Nuget “Aether.Physics2D.MG”. I’m having some difficulty understanding the license. What do I need to know before using the project for commercial purposes?