[Fixed] Issues installing the MGCB Editor

Hello! I’m having some issues downloading the MGCB editor through the command prompt.

I’m following the guide here and when I paste

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-mgcb-editor

into the command prompt, it just sits there doing nothing for ages. Any ideas?


I just looked back and now there is an error.

Did you try running an elevated Visual Studio 2019 Command Prompt?

Hi, I managed to fix it. I initially only had the .Net Desktop development component installed, I just installed the .Net Core component and it seems to be working now. I get the message “Tool ‘dotnet-mgcb-editor’ is already installed” when I run the command now, so it seems to be working.

Yeah, I tried both those things and it still happens. I may have done it wrong, can you maybe be more specific or suggest other ideas thank you