Friflo.Engine.ECS - New features: Multi threading, command buffers, SIMD, batch, bulk, ... 路 Now fastest ECS 馃敟 in .NET

Applying the latest optimizations make this ECS implementation currently the fastest in .NET - regarding Ecs.CSharp.Benchmark.

Check out GitHub: Friflo.Engine.ECS -

Benchmarks are at the bottom of the comparing ten different .NET implementations running on a Mac Mini M2.

New features

  • Add support for multi threaded query (system) execution.

  • Added command buffers typically used in multi threaded queries.

  • Support entity creation as batch and bulk operation.

  • Support entity changes - add/remove components and tags - as batch and bulk operation.

  • Added additional filter queries: with all/any tags/components, without any/all tags/components.

  • Lower platform requirements: Support .NET Standard 2.1 or higher.

  • Support filtering events in queries.

  • Add SIMD support in multi threaded queries. Execute SIMD operations without a scalar remainder loop.

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