Future of monogame

Good morning, I was wondering if MonoGame will receive more updates and what its future will be. I like the framework so I wonder if it will keep up with new emerging technologies


Seems like there are plans to launch up to monogame 5.0


Oh, nice

The not so nice part is that both 3.8 & 3.9 milestones are late by over 1 year. And the other 2 releases are planned for 2040 & 2050 respectively… :slight_smile:

It seems like things are kind of abandoned.


I noticed and also saw that SharpDX has abandoned development. I really wonder why C# has so few technologies in this field, I am not referring to Unity, but I am talking about tools more “low level” however low they may be, and it is strange anyway that C#. has nothing official (I refer to DirectX). This also makes me think of Java which has LWJGL which is pretty good

Just to curtail major concerns, I can tell you that things are definitely not abandoned. I know everyone has been busy with their own lives lately, but there’s plenty in the works to upgrade things to latest and greatest in terms of distribution and dotnet tools, graphics APIs like Vulkan and DX12, and more. I can’t speak to the milestones listed on github, but hopefully the maintainers can jump in :slight_smile:

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The 3.8 release is around the corner, just some docs and mgcb-editor fixes left.

Vulkan, and DirectX 12 should come with some 3.X release, they already partially exist for the consoles.

The idea of the 4.0 and 5.0 releases for MonoGame is that 4.0 release will be the last XNA compatible release, and with 5.0 release we will break a lot of APIs, as well as the namespace change (basically making MonoGame a spiritual XNA 5).


So, the MGCB isn’t leaving?

Why should it?

I read somewhere that it was leaving for some reason. Good to know that it isn’t.