I’ve been looking for a solid framework to build a cross-platform game engine / editor!
I was going to go completely from scratch using libraries like (OpenGL, OpenAL, FreeType, Etc.) but I have realised how much of a monumental task this is becoming over months of planning. I’ve known about MonoGame for a very long time although I have only just started learning basic things and searching the source code to get an understanding how some things work.
The problem I’m facing is that MonoGame seems to rely on the external MonoGame Content Pipeline tool with is a GUI program for processing content for us in MonoGame.
However, I have noticed you can avoid using this tool with calls such as Texture2D.FromFile which loads a .png file into my application without the Content Pipleline tool.
How limited is this? Does it work on ALL platforms? What happens when it comes to Fonts? (spritefonts) What about shaders? (Effects) How can I compile fonts into spritefont files and use them? How can I compile shaders into fx files and use them?
These are the sort of problems I’m faced with before making my decision to take the project on, if these can be solved this looks very very promising for my application.
Thank you!