Got no pb with this… Try CTRL+F5 on chrome, maybe some files were not refreshed.
Or CTRL+SHIFT+SUPPR to clear browser’s cache.
it is going to be real fun! as the next chapter touches on Databases
Best part…
Got no pb with this… Try CTRL+F5 on chrome, maybe some files were not refreshed.
Or CTRL+SHIFT+SUPPR to clear browser’s cache.
it is going to be real fun! as the next chapter touches on Databases
Best part…
Eh, hate having to do my replies in reverse order… [note to self: stop complaining about the forum features…]
I think I made it clear I know how to force refresh but thanks
What is SUPPR?
Hum… CTRL+SHIFT+DEL sorry ^^ But you know this one too
You should see what this does in EDGE
it! albeit slow, and having issues, but all browsers have those
Anyone know a good book on Shaders that work with MonoGame? looking for Model Effects and Illumination mainly… like Highlights etc…
I just discovered you cannot play BF3 using Bluetooth Speakers… I wonder if this can be an issue with MonoGame games too?
Actually I found another game, this time a more concerning issue, a UWP Game App that does not switch to the active audio device… in other words it only works with my main audio device and not my Active Default Bluetooth Device… I need to test sound in MonoGame asap…
@Tom Have you ever had an issue reported with UWP and BT Audio playback? is it possible to list and select the sound device? more and more [Including me as of this week] people are switching to using Bluetooth Speakers these days… so it would be good to know if this is a none issue…
I have yet to play with audio in MonoGame so I cannot test this right now…
Hmm, it appears to be an issue depending on what device may have been active and not dynamically switching mid play… is there a work around for this in MG?
Personally I would like to allow the user to select or restart sound mid play for just such issues…
Further, it may be some issue with my BT device too… still the question arises about restarting the sound device mid usage… hopefully my new headphones with BT do not have this issue… they arrive tomorrow…
Right, had to reorder after refund my headset… Might not arrive this month even…
On another note, look what I found Get started writing games for Windows 10 - Part 1 | Microsoft Learn someone put my guide to use, well almost…
So, I thought there were tens of thousands of posts on the forum, turns out not so, I accidently left my headset resting on the space key while on the main thread and well, came back to see the first threat post… that was interesting…
How is everyone’s Monday morning coming along?
I will test out that Bluetooth Audio thing with BF3 today…
I dont understand the space-bar story…
Thats the kind of monday this is.
Hahahaha, Same here… started horribly… ending, so-so…
But on a plus side, I finally completed the chapter on Navigation in my web studies… Databases next!
Good to hear a plus… I was so bored today, I took a nap! Slow day…
Oh goodness, I did that bizarre thing people call Walking today… felt good, may do again…
This past week has been a bit odd for me, a lot of downs, but the ups were amazing, I have so many new ideas and some for great new apps that I may put up on the Windows Store for others to make use of… some free some not.
One of the downs if I have not mentioned it already, was breaking my hand/wrist in three places… cuts to outside, pain on joint and pain on forearm… oh well, at least it lead to my room being arranged to be more functional! I always look for the useful things when something goes down hill…
Next time you feel like things could not get worse, go for a half/full hour walk I just started evangelising this concept…
Oh and I began a Journal this month, another first for me… the fruits of this Journal will delivered through my blog and my Memoir…
Will take walk tonight.
Sorry to hear about your hand… Hope it doesn’t hinder your work.
And you are righting your memoirs? Hey, its just a hand buddy. You’ll make it!
Anyway, hope you post a showcase or something when you publish your stuff…
It would mean a lot to me to see up close how people use this programming stuff professionally…
In my reality, programming is a very closed “personal amusement”, so it would be cool to see someone do something with programming that goes beyond the personal sphere.
Hehe, it is for me to let go of the past 30 years and move to the next 30 years it will be a good read for fellow Blind peeps who suffer the same condition as me too…
I also have a surprise that I am working on which will be announced on a website of its own should I get my project management done well…
Yeah I will be sharing development and other topics on the blog, and I have so much in my mind now that I had no choice but to start a Journal… compile it all into one place for me to work through… already over 20 entries in less than five days, I am having to code a support app just for it too!
Almost time for me to read through this thread again as I am near completion of one of my apps that I plan to make free for all Windows 10 users [Desktop and Mobile] anyone studying will find it handy!
I also mastered the UWP storage sort of… so I might write a tutorial for Streaming XML saving if anybody is interested…
Just submitted my app to the store, should be up within the day and visible to all within a day… [Yep I wrote that twice]
Time to work on my next app or move on to, well, reading that book that is laid out in the image
Should be available here when it goes live:
It is free to use for all and it synchronises the entries between your devices after some 30 minutes between saves. [Not yet tested however]
I will use this to track my MonoGame studies when I get around to it soon!
I do have some fixing and UI improvements to make on the app but I just wanted to get it out there, the blank line across the top is actually your mobile status bar, I need to fix that…
Store says three days for submission
Oh this will be on Desktop, Mobile, XX XBOX and HoloLens XX eh Desktop and Mobile only for now then
WOW, this is how I got my exams! I could never go to school like a normal person, so I just read all the stuff and only came for the exams…
I did this exact kind of planning… And by the way, having tried both, I’ll go ahead and say school can eat a bag of ducks… you waste so much time on transportation, breaks, small-talk, and class-room fiddling…
I spent 11 days reading the whole english curriculum… The other chumps spent a YEAR.
Home-math was easy too… Like a page per day would get you through c-levels.
Never could do school…
Thanks, and I agree to a degree with you…
I have made colossal improvements to the UI now which will only be visible from Release 2, I will work on a new app sometime this week, possibly today and release that too… really need it before I have to go outside again…
I have also had to launch a basic page for my new blog site, which is live now but just has three pages of which only two are of any use at present…
Speaking of education, yup, you could breeze through anything but my school spoon fed you to prevent this… dang it… but they are now closed sort of lol to be precise it no longer exists however a new school with a new name opened in its place… good bye memories I still remember the buildings clear as daylight however and may model it in 3D one day… just for fun…
I opened my MonoGame Studies yesterday and did a page worth, really want to get back to it asap… perhaps I may steal a day this week to make some progress… after doing my Database Studies… looks like I will be moving to Azure soon… for my web services…
Well, I hope you wont be leaving us mono-people in the dust, in favor of this “Azure” who ever she is… lulz for my web / database hosting needs and more… I have been putting it off until now… but as I need expandability for my sites and geolocation and full .NET support, Azure makes sense… costly, but functional for all my needs…
You hound… But seriously, you staying here too?
As long as MonoGame remains at my Game Engines core and the community is as friendly as it is now, sure.
The current version that I uploaded for resubmission, it failed the first time because the XBOX does sharing differently and I do not have one for testing…
She’s in the store
Time to upload the changes I have made in Release 2 / Submission 2
Last night for some reason I created a Text to Speech app, added the ability to slow down playback rate and also change font size, might expand it some more but was wondering if anybody would be interested in it, I use it to read my news for me
Awesome launch! So cool to see! Almost makes wish I had an exam to study for.
Under system requirements, its says 1gb ram, whats that about?
Thanks, Did you see my message about the TTS App?
Yeah I thought I set it to 300MB, have amended it for Release 2, might have been me scrolling my mouse wheel while still having the list selected and not realising…
Also working on my next app soon, after which I can get back to ASP.NET studies and MonoGame Studies… I really need to get making a game soon… realised I should have had one made by now