GestureType.DragComplete doesn't work with MonoGame

I use the following code to measure the velocity of a free drag gesture, but it doesn’t work with MonoGame. I set a breakpoint in the following line but it never gets executed. I tested the code on my Nokia Lumia 920.

 isThisFirstTime = true;

Why is GestureType.DragComplete not working with MonoGame? Is it possible to fix this problem?

My code:

 float DragVelocity, DragDistance, DragTime;
 TimeSpan time;
 Vector2 StartPoint, EndPoint;
 bool isThisFirstTime = true;

 TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = GestureType.FreeDrag;

 protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
        while (TouchPanel.IsGestureAvailable)
            GestureSample gs = TouchPanel.ReadGesture();
            switch (gs.GestureType)
                case GestureType.FreeDrag:
                    if (isThisFirstTime == true)
                        time = TimeSpan.Zero;
                        StartPoint = new Vector2(gs.Position.X, gs.Position.Y);
                        isThisFirstTime = false;
                        EndPoint = new Vector2(gs.Position.X, gs.Position.Y);
                        time += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime;

                case GestureType.DragComplete:
                    isThisFirstTime = true;
                    DragTime = (float)time.TotalSeconds;
                    DragDistance = Vector2.Distance(StartPoint, EndPoint);
                    if (DragTime != 0)
                        DragVelocity = DragDistance / DragTime;

Enable the DragComplete gesture, that should do it.

TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = GestureType.FreeDrag | GestureType.DragComplete;

Thanx. It works now.