Getting started with TVOS

Can anyone give any pointers on how to get started with TVOS, and what hardware/licences etc. I would need? I’m already a registered iOS developer…

I’m not sure what your asking here. Have you even developed a game using Monogame? You’ll need a specific version of Xamarin Studio for starters. Fork the latest version Monogame over at github. As far as license - If you want to test or debug on actual hardware you will need a $99 Apple Dev license to do so. I hope this was helpful.

Since your already a registered IOS developer you’ll need to download a specific Xamarin Studio. A quick google search will bring you to the right version to download.

Fork over the latest Monogame from Github and follow the instructions to build the framework using Protobuild.exe for mac.

Sorry, guess I was a bit vague… I’ve already published a number of games using Monogame, both on Android and iOS, so the actual development side is not a problem.

I’ve caught the recent posts & podcasts stating the Monogame will work on TVOS, and seen Transistor on the Apple TV website, and I’m interested in trying to port one of my games - what I’m after is how this will differ from other platforms and whether or not I will need specific hardware to test on. Can I just buy and Apple TV box and deploy to it from Xamarin Studio in the same way as I do for an iPhone, would I need to unlock it in some way, or do I need a specific developer device? Are there any specifics I need to be aware of for the Siri remote, and how does it differ from touchscreen/gamepad controllers in the way it is used?
