Hi I’m trying to start a new MonoGame.Forms project using the instructions from their github (github link) and I’ve run into problems in just the first few steps.
I’ve made a new Windows Forms project (C# 6.0) and have installed the MonoGame.Forms.DX NuGet package. But for some reason the standard Content folder does not exist, and I can’t inherit from MonoGame.Forms.Controls.MonoGameControl like it wants me to in step 2 because the project doesn’t recognize it.
I’ve also tried doing the same thing on C# 5.0 and also tried loading standard Monogame DX and the MonoGame content pipeline NuGet packages first before adding MonoGame.Forms and I’ve gotten the same issue. Am I missing something?
Really interested in trying this out if I can get it to work, any help is appreciated.
After much trial and error, I’ve got it to work by using a Windows Form App using the .NET Framework rather than one with newer versions of C#. Not sure if this was documented and I missed it, but either way the issue was resolved.
Posting for conclusion in case anyone runs into the same problem.
If you want to know the why: by newer versions of C#, you likely mean .NET 5+, which are cross platform runtimes. since winforms is windows only, it is not included in these sdks
If I recall correctly, my issue was I was trying to use Monogame Forms with C# version .Net 5.0 or greater, which is cross platform, but Monogame Forms is windows only and so they were incompatible. I fixed my issue by downgrading my C# version to .NetFramework.