I can't get AABB collision to work.

I have tried so many different approaches to this, and none have worked. This is my current collision check.

//Dimensions of player sprite
static int h = Play.player.curAnimation.frames[Play.player.curAnimation.curFrame].Height * 3;
static int w = Play.player.curAnimation.frames[Play.player.curAnimation.curFrame].Width * 3;

public static void CollisionCheck(Player p)
            foreach(Tile t in Play.curMap.collisionTiles)
                if (p.position.X + w > t.position.X && p.position.X < t.position.X + 64 && p.position.Y > t.position.Y && p.position.Y < t.position.Y + 64)
                    collided = true;
                    collided = false;

Why are you multiplying the boxes by 3? Weird if statement? use rectangle.intersects ? heres a video on the first collision implementation I used but wont work for all games, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2qs77g83qo&list=PL0k-vA0349lFudGAz91Vj3kgcTFj2ZgJO&index=12