I’m trying to configure my development environment in my Mac with Xamarin and MonoGame but when I tried to add “MonoGame_3.0.1.mpack” in the Add-in Manager I got this error:
The Packacge ‘Core v4.0’ could not be found in any repository
The Packacge ‘Ide v4.0’ could not be found in any repository
This what I have installed on my Mac with no errors:
-Installed XamarinStudio
-Installed MonoFramework-MDK-3.8.0.macos10.xamarin.x86.pkg
-Installed MonoFramework-MRE-3.8.0.macos10.xamarin.x86.pkg
I’ll really appreciate if any of you knows how can install MonoGame_3.0.1.mpack in Xamarin on Mac OS x