Is it now difficult to set-up Mono Game on XP, or is it just me?

I’m trying to set up Mono Game on a Windows XP machine running the c# edition of Visual Studio 2010 Express.

Why? Because that’s where my old XNA stuff that I want to try and convert lives, and I don’t have a more modern machine set up for Visual Studio at home just now.
I want to convert these to a Monogame OpenGL platform…
Can someone please just tell me which versions of what I need to download in order to make this happen?

I currently have VS 2010 express, with the XNA and OpenTK libraries installed.
I downloaded MonoGame versions 2.5 and 3, as well as the latest version – none of which build an app!

I have looked around the web, but couldn’t find a straight answer as to what I need to load for XP.
If you can give me one it would be much appreciated.

I do have a newer machine running the full version of 2010 and 2012, and the latest version of Monogame works fine with that. It is because the other machine has VS express that is the problem?

Is your XP machine 32 bit? I think that would explain why the latest version of Monogame wouldn’t work with it, because the content pipeline is only compatible with 64 bit systems. Beyond that, I don’t know.