Is there any ORM that integrates well with MonoGame and Mono in general?

I would like to use ORM for my game and a local (and possible central) database.

Has anyone used ORM with monogame before? Can you recommend one to me? There are plenty of them for c# in general but no idea which ones are compatible with Monogame let alone Mono in general.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I can try one out but have no idea the advantages and disadvantages with anyone of them and more importantly would have to get far and find out there is a major problem when using with Mono.

Thank you.

I had to look up what ORM was, and I don’t think many people in our community would use it. Game development, especially smaller games and on mobile, are generally not overlapping with heavy database development.

We are using Npgsql for our linux game server (without an ORM). Apparently it has EF7 support incoming:

This discussion may be useful though: