KNI Blazor asset loading issue

Hi, I got issue running web version of KNI game. I’m trying to load Spine atlas, but I’m getting error:
Uncaught Error: Could not find a part of the path '/Content/Skeletons/Librarian/Idle/skeleton.atlas'

The way I’m trying to load it:
Atlas = new Atlas($"{Path.Combine(path)}.atlas", new XnaTextureLoader(device));

and in path variable I’m passing args "Content", "Skeletons", "Librarian", "Idle", "skeleton"

It is working in DesktopGL version but BlazorGL is not working. Have no idea how to fix that

Tried some things and it turns out that blazor cannot load files via FileStream. Does anyone know proper way, solution or workaround for that?

Seems to be fixed. Usage of TitleContainer helped