Linux and Mac builds won't start anymore (MonoKickstart related?)

Hi again!

Few months ago everything worked perfectly, but now when I’m getting closer to finishing my game Linux and Mac suddenly won’t work anymore. Windows build works perfectly. I haven’t tested them in ages, so I don’t know when exactly they have broken.

I have tried the stable MonoGame 3.6 and latest development build with two different MonoKickstart builds I found.

Some of the errors I have had:

  • Failed to Create Graphics Device
  • <- I caught exception that points to this file, but don’t know anything else. The game starts, but crashes in loading screen…

Any help?

I got the game running on Linux by copying I found online to to lib and lib64 folders. :slight_smile:

…But I cannot get Mac to run, it just says that its mising libMonoPosixHelper.dylib. I found the file online, but even when I put it in every single folder within game’s directory it won’t run… :frowning: