MediaPlayer.Stop() doesnt work entirely

I got to making Windows Phone 8 play songs, but it was after searching through a lot of posts until I found 1 which said I should include both WMA and XNB. I wish these sort of MonoGame specific requirements were all grouped in 1 easily found page.
Now I face a new issue. I give the user the ability to toggle the music on/off. After turning it off (using MediaPlayer.Stop()) the music does actually stop, and turning it back on with MediaPlayer.Play will start it from the beginning. So say I turn it off, and then I press the home(windows) button and then re-activate the app again, the music immediately starts playing! even tho I stopped it before leaving the app, and if I toggle it back off and on, it doesn’t restart the song, but only mutes it. The only hack I found was to mute the song along with stopping it, but I am afraid for my performance critical app, and I don’t want song processing to go on if it is not heard. Any method to make it actually stop?

It has been fixed a few months ago. Are you using version 3.2?

It has been fixed a few months ago. Are you using version 3.2?

Yes I am using 3.2

I have the same problem with monogame version 3.2. Please fix it!