MGCB doesn´t work correctly from within Visual Studio

Hi there,

when I try to launch a project from within Visual studio it tells me that it crashed with code 4. If I paste the command from Visual Studio to a terminal it executes without an error.
And if I try to open MGCB-Editor it crashes from within Visual Studio and from Terminal as well.
I´ve tried to install it manually via terminal and it doesn´t give any errors during installation but when I try to open the editor it crashes.
I´m using Visual Studio for Mac (Community) version 8.10.19 (build 2).
Was anybody able to open MGCB-Editor or launch a project with assets that are processed by MGCB successful lately?

Thank you,



Check this out:

Great. Thanks for helping me out. The content pipeline works now!

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As far as MGCB working on a Mac. It works exceptionally well. I’ve written 5 2-D Monogame video games on a Mac without issues. I’m using Visual Studio from Mac Community 8.10.13 (build 11). I’d make sure you are using this version of the Monogame Extension for Visual Studio for Mac.