Model loading issue

I am trying to load fbx model exported from Cinema4D but I am getting this exception:

An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException' occurred in MonoGame.Framework.dll

Additional information: Could not load zvb2/sin/VS16 asset as a non-content file!

internal exception is:

Incorrect type reader index found!

Index is 6, but there are only 6 items in array.

In content compile stage I got this warnings:

Warning: Asset zvb2/sin/_10.tif built multiple times with different settings.

there are many those warnings for all used textures. When I try to load model without textures, everything is fine, so I think that error is hidden there. I am using latest MonoGame compiled from source. Model for testing can be found there:
Any ideas?