MonoGame 2015 Showcase Video

I’m working on a MonoGame 2015 showcase video (like the 2014 one

If anyone here wants to be included and shipped a MonoGame title between October 2014 and December 2015 and you have a YouTube trailer of some sort let me know here.

I want to get this video out next month some time.

Does title has to be already shipped? I am obviously not talking about game in concept stage but something that went through KS, Greenlight and has public version.

I guess if there is an early access version out that could be counted as a release. Or if has shipped on one platform, but other platforms haven’t shipped yet. Or if the game is shipping in Jan/Feb next year maybe.

The issue is not wanting to end up with games in there that never shipped. Also we want to avoid repeating the title in the next video.

We basically want new stuff to show each year that people can pick up and play immediately or really really soon.

Pinball League: Hardhat Zone v1.0
2014.10.16 WP8.0
2014.11.13 W8.1 (720p)

Pinball League: Hardhat Zone v1.1
(a major update in lighting + other minor improvements)
2015.03.26 WP8.0/W8.1 (720p60)

We can provide the original video files.

The higher quality video we can get to start with the better. You can just message me directly with some links.