MonoGame 3.2 and Xact status

What is the status of the Xact support in MonoGame 3.2? In the release notes it is stated that it is improved, but not in what way.

Initializing an AudioEngine, a SoundBank and a WaveBank works fine, however SoundBank.PlayCue throws a NotSupportedException when using one of our existing XAP projects. A completely new project with just a single sound does work.

So my question is: which features of Xact projects are not yet supported?

As the release notes said… it got some improvements. You can see some of the pull requests here:

If you can give us a call stack we can at least figure out what was missing/broken.

Multiple games have shipped across various platforms using the MonoGame XACT code… so your experience may vary depending on exactly what features you are using.

Hard to say because XACT has a pretty huge feature set and the format is undocumented… hence why we don’t have a complete implementation.

The best thing you can do is report problems when you encounter them with clear reproduction steps, error callstacks, and ideally sample XAP projects that exhibit the behavior.

We can’t fix things that go unreported.

Okay just reported the first issue,