im trying microsoft upgade-assistant and its doing alot of this flawlessly so far…even updating netstardard libs with MG game stuff, to net 6 , and changes the monogame refs to the latest ones on nutget .
updating to mg 3.81 from 3.8 even if you are using netcore 6 already , can be a big deal for legacy projects. because Netstandard 2 is nearly dead, but Microsofts command line updgrate assistant does almost everything i did yesterday for me at least for vs 2022 preview slns. so I am trying that whch that almost ported my almosgt all of my wpf app to netcore 6 and Ill report if it works… it even updates your Monogame refs for you.
just run on cmd line
dotnet tool install -g upgrade-assistant
then donet tool upgrade-assistant analyze XXX.sln
then upgrade-assistant upgrade XXX.sln
when i targeted androind entry point,
it didnt not strip out the xaramin junk from the android target but warned me its unused.
but with a clean templayhte but i dont think xamarin is gone yet… as far as build and deploy its stiill slow…
as for MG and WPF legacy level editors , i hit a brick wall, but there is hope there as well. the wpf even wiht old docking and scripting libs, did port to netcore 6 and run, aboutg 99% was ok.
on a big legacy wpf and MG tooling rig and game , this looks like its an all or nothign deal for me … i cant link a 4.8 wpf exe to any netcore 6 libs so i cant run MG in wpf using net 6 game code in libs. and Netstandard 2.0 is quite nearly dead… but there is a compatibililty mode and some other ways around. but for my thing level editor WPF + monogame core… …last time i tried on vs 2019, the Compatibilly Analyser gave me a 99% so i went ahead with up and the WPF tool worked except for the monogame integration and a few details. …
ill try this again . the upside is there wpf level editor becomes mutliplatfrom. now that some parts work on the new MG. and see… if i can fix the sdl issue .
**Port from .NET Framework to .NET 6 - .NET Core | Microsoft Docs
but im going to Overview of the .NET Upgrade Assistant - .NET Core | Microsoft Docs
i think if this goes through i thnk should be mentioned as a way to update older MG projects all over the github that arent maintained because i just presse 1, and enter a bunch of times, diff and its doing what your guilde says to do and much more. could save someone days of work or worse, htting a brikc wall, havng to bail out and downgrade because of older dependencies. but i dont know about the maui, or the wpf, , ill halfway through it… jjust though id mention it now because thats how the front line approach should be done i think with any legacy code thats, should do this… at least on windows and vs 2022 mabye more… would have saved me a day…