MonoGame 3.8

Congratulations for giving us a new version of this great framework (which is one of my favorites for making games)!
You guys are the best! Keep it up! :partying_face:

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You guys ROCK!! :trophy:
Thanks for keeping .NET gamedevelopment alive :heart_eyes:


Itā€™s well! I hope that this version is better than 3.7 because I still work with 3.6 in order to work with some touch screens. Thank you for keepping project alive. We are the champions my friends.

Oh wow! Thank you for your work. :slight_smile:

Thanks for another major update, and great job to all contributors! I especially like the new documentation that goes with it!

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Hi there! How do you download MonoGame? Iā€™m new to this software.

Take a look here.

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Thank you very much very good job.


Awesome! Thanks for great job!


Amazing! I look forward to migrating my projects.


Great work!

Just converted my AstroSmurfers to 3.8

Penumbra lightning isnā€™t happy, can I get it to work with 3.8? says itā€™s too old

// Lazze

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Performed a fresh install on a new system, was looking at a glorious Cornflower Blue screen within 5 minutesā€¦



This is a fantastic release; well done everyone involved!

MonoGame looks better than ever with great documentation!

I am not a C# programmer by trade but I think MonoGame could be just what I need to finally publish a game.


Thank you for the work you do! Iā€™ll be updating my games right away!


Been using MonoGame for 2-3 years now and it really helped me learn programming a lot~
Did manage to create a few games for Ludum Dare game jams.
The only thing Iā€™m still confused on are how to make shaders. Hopefully will put time into understanding it fully. Thanks for all the hard work!

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3.8 O.O ! Nice! might work again with MG next year ^_^y

I donā€™t know if it helps but I wrote this a while ago:

comment peut on installer le logiciel

Bonjour @Effets_Vert Bienvenue dans la CommunautƩ!

Happy Coding!

My browser has marked that page as a scam. Is that a false positive?

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