MonoGame Beginner Cousera Course

Hey everyone!
This morning I noticed there’s a Coursera course on getting started with C# game development that uses MonoGame for the projects. It’s a beginner course, meaning no prior programming experience is expected and it will cover basic programming/OO principles as well. The course is free if you don’t need a certificate for it :slightly_smiling: It’s on demand, so you can do it all at your own pace, but you can follow along with the sessions if you want (they start today).
Link to course:

This is great!

I have used coursera in the past and recommended it to others. Thanks for sharing this!

For anyone else, it is basically an open uni/college style course and enrollment closes on the 30th.

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Signed up :slight_smile:

Looks like a great find, as I was searching for ways to get into MonoGame yesterday!

I am a little bit mixed how I feel about the course now it has started, but can’t complain for free :slight_smile: