MonoGame Extended Collision

Hi, I’m working on learning how to use to the framework and I was wondering which would be the best approach to make a basic collision system that could be re-used in different MonoGame projects. I’ve been looking through the documentation and other forums on the internet but I can’t find a good base to start working on, the idea is to make a few little 2D projects, reuse the general classes and get used to the framework in general.
I’ve find out about the extended libraries that add some features to it, but I’m struggling to understand how to use them, right now I’m stuck trying to make some simple 2D colliders.

Collisions requirements for different projects can vary a lot, so there is not really one best approach. I would suggest to just start with whatever you need for the first project you want to make. Once you get to the 2nd project, you can then decide, if you want to reuse what you already have, or make something new.