MonoGame install

Hi everybody.I am beginner in monogame and Xamarin.Ihave Xamarin studio Starter edition and OS x.I have download MonoGame 3.0.1 for Xamarin Studio and now I dont know how to install that.I have installed XamarinStudio.MonoGame_3.0.1.mpack file.Please help me.


Have you tried to install via NuGet packages? I don’t know if it’s working on OS X, but worth a try.

Is something like this:

  • Open Xamarin Studio.
  • Create a new solution with a empty C# project
  • Go to menu “Project > Add Package”
  • Search for the package “Monogame” and install it

Now your new project should have the basic files (all the DLLs needed) and classes (Program.cs and Game1.cs).

Run it and you should see a blue window. If you do, then it’s working! Go make some games! :smiley:

Thanks for answer.Can I use Xamarin Starter Edition to install MonoGame.?

You cannot use third party libraries, like MonoGame with Xamarin Starter Edition. There are efforts to add MonoGame to a “whitelist” that would allow its usage, but I don’t know anything about the progress of this.

Thanks for information.))

And is there Xamarin studio enterprise crack?