
Hey everyone!
Let me introduce you MonoGame.Reload.


MonoGame.Reload is a library for MonoGame implementing the hot-reloader in your project.

Install the library and in just a few lines of code, the system is ready to reload your files when you modify them, even while your project is running.
Magic, isn’t it?


  • Textures
  • Shaders
  • Sound effects
  • Songs
  • Models
  • Sprite fonts
  • Aseprite files
  • Data files (.txt, .json, .xml, …)

The library needs a lot of improvements and feedbacks, so if you want to give it a try and sending me feedback, thanks in advance!


Hi @Akadream, Welcome to the Community!

Be sure to mention you can also be contacted on the MonoGame Discord, to enable fluid communication on there too.

And this is a great addition!

Happy Coding!

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Great job! The light theme on the site is broken. Please fix it. Can you describe how hot reload works? How did you achieve this? :slight_smile:

Yes, I saw that and I’ll fix it as soon as possible!

The Hot-Reload is based on the class FileSystemWatcher which a .NET class where I can listen for files updates.
The library manage multiples collections of assets and when the FileSystemWatcher detect a new update, I read the file content and reconstruct the asset.

In the version 0.2.0, the library is reloading files when a file get updated but starting with the 0.3.0, the library will also detect new files, files deletion and files renaming.

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Thanks for the explanation. I’m looking forward to new versions and functionality.

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I was about to start to work on something similar, so you saved me a lot of time! thanks for sharing!

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