is there a way to abstract away the game class in monogame so it looks more like this…
public static class Game
public static Main()
//init with title, width, height, and framerate
MyMonoGameAbstraction.Init("my game", 128,128,60)
//DoInit & DoLoad
while(MyMonoGameAbstraction.IsRunning()) //Handles everything
here is a example of something I would like to do…
sadly I don’t think asynchronous or synchronous programming would do much without redefining the game loop
#region Using Statements
using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
namespace ZeroFramework
public static class Win
WinInst inst;
public static void Init()
inst = new WinInst();
private async bool Initalized()
return Task.Run(() => DoInitalized());
private async Task<bool> DoInitalized()
while (!inst.loaded)
await false;
await true;
public bool IsRunning()
return inst.running;
public void DrawBegin()
public void DrawEnd()
public void Exit()
/// <summary>
/// This is the main type for your game.
/// </summary>
internal class WinInst : Game
public bool loaded = false;
public bool running = false;
GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
public Game1()
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
graphics.IsFullScreen = true;
/// <summary>
/// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
/// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
/// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
/// and initialize them as well.
/// </summary>
protected override void Initialize()
// TODO: Add your initialization logic here
/// <summary>
/// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
/// all of your content.
/// </summary>
protected override void LoadContent()
// Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
loaded = true;
//TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
protected override void UnloadContent()
running = false;
/// <summary>
/// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world,
/// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
if (!running) running = true;
// For Mobile devices, this logic will close the Game when the Back button is pressed
// Exit() is obsolete on iOS
#if !__IOS__ && !__TVOS__
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed ||
// TODO: Add your update logic here
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the game should draw itself.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
//TODO: Add your drawing code here
public void BeginDraw()
public void EndDraw()
public void Quit()