Monogame without xna?

Hey everyone, i just got a new pc and installed visual studio 15, I also installed xna and monogame, but when I opened my project from dropbox it says that visual studio is not able to load the project. The project originally was created on xna, so I was wondering, if I now just put all the files from that project into a new one, wiil it work the same? I’m really confused by the content just being a folder, because in xna it is a content pipeline, which displays completely differently. I also still don’t get whether I need xna for monogame to work or not.

Thanks in advance!

Well, as far as my experience allows me to state, it mostly depends on the functions you use. I’d say 99% of the functions work properly on monogame. You might have to do some debugging for some of them.

Also keep note that for windows desktop there might be 2 versions of monogame, one that uses Opengl (that i suggest) and one that uses DirectX.

thanks, how do i downlad the opengl version then?

The OpenGL dll’s come with the regular MonoGame package installer and can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\WindowsGL (your installation path may have varied)

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